Our Splendid Failure to Do the Impossible (Book 3) Pub Date October 1

I’m thrilled that BOA Editions is publishing my third poetry collection, Our Splendid Failure to Do the Impossible on October 1, 2024. It took me many years to write this book as my life kept changing, and the world kept drastically changing and, correspondingly, my work and the focus of my work kept changing. It’s vulnerable work and I made a lot of discoveries making it, learning from and through it about myself, my relationship to my own chronic body, the roles grief and trauma and also love and intimacy have played in my life, and how I feel poetry and language and myth and storytelling are sort of the natural consequence of processing difficulty. It’s not an overcoming story, but it is - I think - oriented towards futurity. I’m very grateful to have the book coming into the world.

To learn more about the book and to get a copy directly from my wonderful independent publisher, please visit their website HERE.
